
Juneteenth activities planned
... director of PARK, and Reggie Swinton, wide receiver for the Houston Texans. A performance of the Hip Hop Project from ...
Juneteenth activities planned
... director of PARK, and Reggie Swinton, wide receiver for the Houston Texans. A performance of the Hip Hop Project from ...
Father's love can be thicker than blood (Fox Sports)
In a first-person essay, Houston Texans special teams coach Joe Marciano tells of his journey as a single parent and the adoptive father of a 5-year-old boy with autism, and explains why every day is Father's Day to them both.
Atwood fundraising gets a boost
Robaire Smith, a Flint Northern Viking, MSU football standout, and Houston Texans defensive end, has donated $100,000....
Tech notebook: Hollings to host camp in Twiggs
Tony Hollings remembers having to search far and wide for summer sporting opportunities as a youth in Twiggs County. So Hollings, a former Georgia Tech star and current Houston Texans running back, decided to do something about it.
Top draft pick sits out minicamp (KXAN 36 Austin)
HOUSTON Houston Texans top draft pick Travis Johnson was held out of drills today with an elbow injury as the team opened a three-day minicamp. But that...
NFL Power Rankings
Dallas Cowboys 17. Green Bay Packers 18. New Orleans Saints 19. Oakland Raiders 20. Cincinnati Bengals 21. St. Louis Rams 22. Detroit Lions 23. Arizona Cardinals 24. New York Giants 25. Houston Texans 26. Chicago Bears 27. Tampa Bay Buccaneers 28....
Thunder's Ragone blossoms in NFL Europe
DUESSELDORF, Germany -- Dave Ragone is exactly the kind of player NFL teams want to see proving themselves in NFL Europe. ... spent two years struggling behind David Carr on the Houston Texans' scout teams, where his passes were often intercepted ...
DB prospect wanted to bid for job with gunshot wound
" ? A scout for the NFL's Houston Texans was at practice yesterday ? ?...
World Bowl keeps international flavor (International Herald Tribune)
It isn't quite the line-up the league was hoping for, but on Saturday in D?sseldorf, World Bowl XIII, the championship game of NFL Europe, promises a finely balanced contest.
Whew. What a day Friday was and what a weekend.
I’d known for awhile that my officemate and myself were going to be moving from our office to (do I dare say it?) cubes. Ouch. That hurt. The move was coinciding with brand new carpet being put in in the back part of the offices and other departments needed more space. ‘They’ felt like that space could be gained from my department. Wonderful.
Friday was final packing day. The office shut down at 2:00 so that everybody could clean their desks out, box stuff up, disconnect, and disassemble. We had to move all of our crap to the other side of the building where the carpet had already been replaced. That includes moving our own computers, monitors, printers, etc. My officemate is pregnant so I got the wonderful job of moving her comp, monitor (CRT like mine), laser printer (HP Laserjet 2300D), etc while she carried our lighter stuff. We still wound up getting everything done by 3:15 and I was home by 3:30 Friday afternoon. I was hot and sweaty and had bruises showing already all over my left forearm already from moving in the office earlier.
When I got home I turned the TV on. It’s always the first thing I do. Dr. Phil was on and it was a boring one so I jumped in the shower real quick. When I got out it was time for Oprah so I switched over. Nicole Kidman and Will Ferrell were on promoting their new movie ‘Bewitched’ opening soon. What I saw was cute. Will was funny. At the end of the show though Oprah made the big announcement.
The announcement was concerning her newest Book Club project. I’ve heard about her book club deals and how she sends authors to the top of the bestseller list in an instant by doing this.
But I was very shocked at the author she named this time around. It was William Faulkner. I have always wanted to read him but never had to (school). Even after college I told myself I would someday just do it. You know how ’somedays’ go. But now I had a good reason to read him.
Oprah had picked out three works of Faulkner’s for everybody to read over the summer. I just knew I had to do this. Even though it was cheesy. LOL.
When she announced the three books (As I Lay Dying, The Sound and the Fury, and Light in August) I went to Amazon first instead of her website. And what did I find? I found this! $17.97 ain’t too bad for three books. I tacked on a DVD from my Wish List, ‘Pump Up The Volume’ to take advantage of free shipping. I’ll be able to begin reading As I Lay Dying later this week. I can’t wait. Since I was in the literary mode I began reading one of James Patterson’s latest books, Honeymoon. Almost 400 pages in about 3 hours while listening to the soundtracks of ‘The Lord of the Ring’ movies on Musicmatch. Wonderful book! I couldn’t put it down until I finished. Thumbs up!
Saturday morning I woke up and when I went to my computer desk and flipped the light switch on the bulb blew. Damn. I grabbed a bulb from the pantry and carefully stepped up onto my computer desk chair. Changed the bulb and all was good until I went to take a step down. The chair turned on me and my foot
slipped. Trying to break my fall, my right forearm came down on part of my computer desk and on one of my larger diecasts (the Bobby Labonte one but he survived). Unfortunately, my arm was not as lucky as Bobby. At first I thought I broke something. It swelled up something nice but I could move all of my fingers and flex my hand so I knew I was good. But damn did it look like shit already. I made an icepack, laid it across my forearm, and sat down at the computer to do my morning surfing. Despite the icepack, my forearm swelled to twice its normal size and the throbbing was something only a penis could love.
I watched the NASCAR Busch race and afterwards had to run to the store to get me some cigs. I decided to drive by work to see if anybody was still there (remember they were replacing the carpet) and there were a few vehicles outside so I stopped. I went in and strolled towards the back where the carpet installation was going on and whoa! What a weird site. Seeing the offices so empty of furniture, computers, etc was cool. My supervisor was there as was the tech guy so I talked to them a few minutes. They were cleaning up so I grabbed some rags and started helping them. There was dust all over everything from the previous carpet. My supervisor, ‘B’, told me that there was actually so much dust in the carpets that when the people were ripping them out it triggered the fire alarm and the fire department came with sirens blazing. How I wish I could have been there for that! Anyway, I helped them clean up for about 30 minutes and then I left, got my cigs, and went back home. Went home and iced my forearm down some more actually. It was killing me after just using it for 30 minutes wiping desks and equipment down.
Sunday was a slow day. I did absolutely nothing Sunday morning except lay on the couch and watch the last 4 eps of CSI that I’d had recorded on my DVR but hadn’t gotten around to watching. Poor Nick! *sniff
I watched the NASCAR Cup race and then afterwards I
went outside and put my Houston Texans decal on my back glass. I took a few pictures of my car with it and added them to my photo gallery (which I now have finally put a link to in my sidebar). How do you like?

Oh, and here’s a pic of my right forearm. The bruise actually looks worse than in the pic because of all of the blood pooling in the lower part of the forearm. It’s still swollen but not quite as supersized as it was yesterday. But still much bigger than my left forearm. This bruise is gonna be really pretty in the next couple of days. Just another battle wound eh? LOL

I watched the movie ‘Oil Storm’ on FX last night. It was different than I thought it would be but still OK nonetheless. What would you do if gas prices were to jump to more than $8.00/gallon for Regular and stay there for an extended amount of time? My ass would be walking to and from work. It’s a damned good thing I work less than 2 miles from home I guess.
I just checked the dealer’s site where I traded Jaws II in. After being listed there since I traded him in, he’s now gone. That means somebody is driving my Jaws II. That makes me sad. Kinda.
Well I have to get my butt in gear because we all have to be at work early today so that we can set our computers up and stuff so that we’re ready to go at 8:00. They’re only going to put our computers/monitors/printers at our desk. We have to set it all up. That means I’m going to be working on getting other people’s computers situated all day at work tomorrow. I can only imagine what the girls at work are going to think when they see my arms. Lef
t one torn up from carrying all that crap on Friday and the right one from the fall on Saturday morning. Happy happy joy joy.
Have a great Monday all.
Yello Strom World Bowl XIII Game Notes (NFL Europe)
LTU arena, D?sseldorf, Saturday June 11, 5:00 p.m. In Week 3, QB GIBRAN HAMDAN (Seattle Seahawks) threw a game-winning 16-yard touchdown pass to WR RUVELL MARTIN (San Diego Chargers) with 1:46 remaining to give the Admirals a 31-27 victory.
Charlie Anderson - Are You Looking For Charlie Anderson?
Charlie Anderson - Are You Looking For Charlie Anderson?: ?Information on Charlie Anderson of the NFLs Houston Texans, featuring statistics, a...
attend a Houston Texans game
First added to texboy47's list
Houston Texans Car Magnet Decal - 12? Houston Texans
Houston Texans Car Magnet Decal - 12?...Houston Texans Car Magnet Decal - 12?...
97.5 FM listeners make move up dial
Houston rock radio fans, still recovering from the demise of veteran station KLOL in November, woke Tuesday to find another rock station had moved without warning. ... director for KILT FM and AM and longtime public-address announcer for Houston Oilers and Houston Texans football games ...
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