nfl provides a fast and easy way to upload images to your weblog. If you
have a large amount of pictures, we recommend you create a photoblog which has
been designed to display images.
You have two options for uploading images onto your weblog: one way is to
follow the path "Weblog -> Images & Files -> Add new file".
A window will open that enables you to "browse" and
"upload" an image from your computer. You can only use images which
have been saved in JPEG or GIF format.
However, images which have been uploaded in this way are only saved at first and are not
immediately displayed on your weblog.
An easier way to upload images is to use the feature "Add image"
which you can find in the text editor. The text editor is located at "Entries -> New Entry" in
your administration pages.
The link "Add image" in the editor and above the
text window opens a new window offering you all the "uploading
images" features available. You can either "browse" your own computer,
select an "Image from the Internet", or choose an
"Uploaded image".
In order to insert "Image from the Internet" you'll need the URL
(e.g. of the picture file. This image can only be
inserted as a link and, therefore, it does not require any additional storage space on your blog.
However, some sites prohibit this kind of so-called "hot-linking".
"Uploaded images" will show all images which have already been uploaded
onto your weblog. You can select such image by simply clicking its name.
If you have completed one of the outlined features above, your picture will
be displayed in your new weblog entry.
Note: The image will only be displayed in the text editor if you are using
Internet Explorer 5.0 or a later version. All other browsers and all Macintosh
system will only display a HTML-sourcecode in place of the image.
See also:
» The administration site
» How do I compress images?

- My login information
- Weblog - first steps
- The administration page
- Create entries
- Mobile blogging
- Create categories
- Design weblogs
- Weblog name
- Public information
- Friends and authors
- Everything about pictures and images
- Music and videos
- Favorite blogs
- Using links
- Privacy
- Comments
- Problems with harassment
- Performance
- Features
- Security
- Orientation
- Everything about images
How to publish pictures on my weblog
How many pictures can I publish on my weblog?
There is no limit to the number of images that you can upload onto your weblog. The only
limitation is the size of your picture files. At "Weblog -> Images & Files" you can
see how much diskspace you are already using and how much is still available.
If the disc space is full you'll have to delete files in order to make space for new images.
Most digital cameras and scanners produce relatively large image files. You can compress these files by clicking the pencil icon next to the image on your images list (at "Weblog -> "Images & Files").
See also: » How to determine the size of a picture file
» How to compress images
If the disc space is full you'll have to delete files in order to make space for new images.
Most digital cameras and scanners produce relatively large image files. You can compress these files by clicking the pencil icon next to the image on your images list (at "Weblog -> "Images & Files").
See also: » How to determine the size of a picture file
» How to compress images
What is the maximum file size I can upload on my weblog?
There is no limit to the size of each file, except it needs to be less
than the webspace available on your account. You can check this at
"Weblog -> Images & Files" for the specific weblog.
However, even if you still have plenty of space available, it is not advisable to upload very large images onto your weblog as it could cause problems for your reader. If a reader has a slow modem connection at 33.6 KB per second, it would take them approximately 2 minutes to display a picture of only 500 KB on their monitor. It's much better to compress the images. You can do this with an image processing program, or edit the picture under "Weblog" > "Images & Files" by clicking the pencil icon next to the image. There, you'll find a new window which allows you to edit the size of a picture. The optimal size will be suggested automatically. If your pictures have the optimal size, you can upload more and the display time speeds up significantly.
See also:
» How to determine the size of an image
» How to compress images
» Why should I compress images before uploading?
However, even if you still have plenty of space available, it is not advisable to upload very large images onto your weblog as it could cause problems for your reader. If a reader has a slow modem connection at 33.6 KB per second, it would take them approximately 2 minutes to display a picture of only 500 KB on their monitor. It's much better to compress the images. You can do this with an image processing program, or edit the picture under "Weblog" > "Images & Files" by clicking the pencil icon next to the image. There, you'll find a new window which allows you to edit the size of a picture. The optimal size will be suggested automatically. If your pictures have the optimal size, you can upload more and the display time speeds up significantly.
See also:
» How to determine the size of an image
» How to compress images
» Why should I compress images before uploading?
Why should I compress pictures?
The compression of images is important for the optimal display of your weblog.
A weblog containing large image files will be very slow to view, which might discourage your readers. Digital cameras and scanners usually
generate printable high resolution pictures (300 dpi and more). For an optimal
display on the monitor, a much lower resolution (72dpi) is sufficient. If you
upload a picture directly from your digital camera, it will take up the whole
screen and effect the design of your weblog. Users of Internet Explorer 5.5
or a later version have the option to scale the picture, but this will only
change the view on the monitor but not the actual size of the image
-the data space required remains unchanged. In order to compress the picture
click "Weblog" > "Images" and click the "Edit image" icon
for the particular image. A new
window will open where you can edit the size of the picture. You will
find recommendations for the optimal size of your pictures. You can also scale your pictures
with an image processing programme.
See also:
» How to determine the size of a picture
» How to compress pictures
See also:
» How to determine the size of a picture
» How to compress pictures
What happens to my original image if I process it with an image processing program?
The original picture will remain unchanged unless you decide to substitute
it with a smaller, compressed version. Usually, any picture processing software
should provide a warning whenever you run into the danger of overwriting an existing
Why does it take so long to upload images?
If it takes ages to upload a picture, you're probably uploading a very large
picture file - or it could be that your internet connection is very slow.
A picture which requires 500KB on your hard drive will need at least two minutes to upload with a basic modem. This time frame may be even longer depending on the speed of your internet connection. In this case, uploading pictures to your weblog requires a lot of patience. Whenever it takes too long, it helps to compress the image with the help of a picture processing programme and try again.
Even DSL users may have to wait a while to upload pictures. DSL connections enable quick download times as opposed to fast uploads.
See also:
» How to determine the size of an image
» How to compress images
» Why should I compress images before uploading?
A picture which requires 500KB on your hard drive will need at least two minutes to upload with a basic modem. This time frame may be even longer depending on the speed of your internet connection. In this case, uploading pictures to your weblog requires a lot of patience. Whenever it takes too long, it helps to compress the image with the help of a picture processing programme and try again.
Even DSL users may have to wait a while to upload pictures. DSL connections enable quick download times as opposed to fast uploads.
See also:
» How to determine the size of an image
» How to compress images
» Why should I compress images before uploading?
How will I know when the uploading process has finished?
The uploading process is only complete when either the popup window closes
or the browser shows an error notice. During the upload process, it is crucial
not to close any browser windows or click any outside links. Closing windows
or clicking links will stop the data transfer.
See also:
» Why uploading pictures takes so long
See also:
» Why uploading pictures takes so long
My pictures don't fit into the text editor.
You can edit the size of a picture after you have inserted it into the text
editor ("Entries" > "New entry"). The actual size of the
file remains the same and only the proportions of the displayed picture will change.
Click on the picture and a small white square should appear. The square allows
you to edit the size of the picture. If you click the small square on the bottom
right side of the picture and hold the mouse button while moving the mouse,
the size of the picture should change accordingly. This feature is only available
to users of Internet Explorer 5.5 or a later version and Mozilla 1.4 or later.
In general, it's better to compress pictures before inserting them into the text editor. Click "Weblog" > "Images & Files" and the edit icon next to the particular image in order to do this. The optimal size is recommended automatically. You can also use a picture processing program to resize images.
See also:
» How to determine the size of an image
» How to compress a picture
» Why should I compress images before the upload?
In general, it's better to compress pictures before inserting them into the text editor. Click "Weblog" > "Images & Files" and the edit icon next to the particular image in order to do this. The optimal size is recommended automatically. You can also use a picture processing program to resize images.
See also:
» How to determine the size of an image
» How to compress a picture
» Why should I compress images before the upload?
Can I move, rotate or change picture sizes?
You can edit pictures using the text editor if you use Internet Explorer 5.5
or a later version or Mozialla 1.4 or a later version.
If you want to move an image in the text editor, simply click on the picture and hold the left button of your mouse. In order to scale your picture, click onto the image once - a number of small white squares will appear. These squares allow you to rescale the size of the picture (but not the size of the picture file). If you click on one of the squares and move the mouse around, you'll see how the size changes.
If you are using another browser, you can edit the image with a picture processing program or edit the picture after the upload under "Weblog" > "Images & Files" where you can click the edit icon next to the image in question. The optimal size for your picture is automatically recommended. The editor can also rotate images.
You can also edit the picture by directly editing the HTML-script. If you insert the picture into the editor, the editor will create a "tag". This tag can have the following form:
<IMG src="myimagename.jpg">
Change the tag as follows:
<IMG src="myimagename.jpg" width="300" height="200">
The width and height are measured in pixels. If you replace the numbers with alternative digits you will change the size of the image.
Tip: A minor addition to the HTML source code can move the picture to the very right edge of your blog with the text surrounding it. IE 5.5 users should start by switching from the "design view" to the "source code view".
Search for the tag mentioned above and add the following information:
Before : <IMG src="myimagename.jpg">
After: <IMG src="myimagename.jpg" align="left">
Of course you can also substitute "left" for "right".
If you want to move an image in the text editor, simply click on the picture and hold the left button of your mouse. In order to scale your picture, click onto the image once - a number of small white squares will appear. These squares allow you to rescale the size of the picture (but not the size of the picture file). If you click on one of the squares and move the mouse around, you'll see how the size changes.
If you are using another browser, you can edit the image with a picture processing program or edit the picture after the upload under "Weblog" > "Images & Files" where you can click the edit icon next to the image in question. The optimal size for your picture is automatically recommended. The editor can also rotate images.
You can also edit the picture by directly editing the HTML-script. If you insert the picture into the editor, the editor will create a "tag". This tag can have the following form:
<IMG src="myimagename.jpg">
Change the tag as follows:
<IMG src="myimagename.jpg" width="300" height="200">
The width and height are measured in pixels. If you replace the numbers with alternative digits you will change the size of the image.
Tip: A minor addition to the HTML source code can move the picture to the very right edge of your blog with the text surrounding it. IE 5.5 users should start by switching from the "design view" to the "source code view".
Search for the tag mentioned above and add the following information:
Before : <IMG src="myimagename.jpg">
After: <IMG src="myimagename.jpg" align="left">
Of course you can also substitute "left" for "right".
How to link to a picture
Linking to an image is as easy as linking to a website or another weblog.
The first step is to go to the website containing the specific image. Depending on your operating system and browser, there are various methods in which you can receive the URL of the image:
You will now find the URL in the clipboard. Insert the URL in the text field "link" of the insert link option of the editor. Simply click on the text field and do one of the following:
Windows: press ctrl+v or press the right mouse button and select "insert"
Macintosh: press apple+V.
After you insert the link and save your entry, the picture will open when you click onto the specific link.
See also:
» How to insert a link?
» Why is a linked picture not on display?
» The link i have inserted does not work
The first step is to go to the website containing the specific image. Depending on your operating system and browser, there are various methods in which you can receive the URL of the image:
Windows Internet Explorer:
Right click on the image and select "Settings". A small window will open which shows the "address (URL)". Select the text, click the right mouse button and select "copy".MacOS Internet Explorer:
With the mouse on the image, hold the ctrl-key and click on the image. Select "open picture in new window" and select the content of the address line in the new window and press Ctrl+c.You will now find the URL in the clipboard. Insert the URL in the text field "link" of the insert link option of the editor. Simply click on the text field and do one of the following:
Windows: press ctrl+v or press the right mouse button and select "insert"
Macintosh: press apple+V.
After you insert the link and save your entry, the picture will open when you click onto the specific link.
See also:
» How to insert a link?
» Why is a linked picture not on display?
» The link i have inserted does not work
Why is the picture I linked to not being displayed?
A linked picture is nothing more than a link to a picture file. You have to click on the link in order to display the image. If you wish to display your
picture in your weblog, insert the picture via the menu item "Add image"
in the text editor.
How can I compress images?
You can edit your saved picture files on your weblog. Click "Weblog"
> "Images & Files" and then the edit icon next to the image
you want to edit, which will open a window for you to edit your picture.
The ideal size will automatically be recommended by the system .
The proportions will remain the same if you have opted for a particular
feature. You can define the quality of the picture between 10% and 100% in order
to edit the size of the file. In most cases 60% is the optimal choice. With
a single click on the link you can also convert any file into JPEG-format.
The system only accepts JPEG or GIF images. JPEG is perfect for showing photos.
A diagram with little detail works well when saved as a GIF.
Pictures can also be compressed with the help of picture processing programs. This makes sense if the size of a picture significantly delays the loading time of your weblog. The following instructions for picture editing apply only to programs recomended by us. For all other programs, please refer to the documentation.
Attention: do not confuse "save under" with "save". Selecting "save" will overwrite the original version.
You can choose the file type in the new window. The system only accepts JPEG or GIF images. You can edit the quality and, thereby, the file size under "options" if you choose the GIF format. The quality scale ranges from 1 (low, small file) to 100 (high, large file). 60 is the optimal choice in most cases, but that is for you to find out yourself. Rename the picture and save it onto your hard drive. The new file should be significantly smaller than the original.
See also:
» How to determine the size of a picture
» Why should I compress a picture before uploading it?
Pictures can also be compressed with the help of picture processing programs. This makes sense if the size of a picture significantly delays the loading time of your weblog. The following instructions for picture editing apply only to programs recomended by us. For all other programs, please refer to the documentation.
IrfanView (Windows):
Open the picture you want to edit. If you wish to change the displayed size of the picture, choose the menu item "picture > change size". You can insert the new height and width of your picture under "new size". You can also increase the compression rate when you save the picture. Select the menu item "file > save under".Attention: do not confuse "save under" with "save". Selecting "save" will overwrite the original version.
You can choose the file type in the new window. The system only accepts JPEG or GIF images. You can edit the quality and, thereby, the file size under "options" if you choose the GIF format. The quality scale ranges from 1 (low, small file) to 100 (high, large file). 60 is the optimal choice in most cases, but that is for you to find out yourself. Rename the picture and save it onto your hard drive. The new file should be significantly smaller than the original.
See also:
» How to determine the size of a picture
» Why should I compress a picture before uploading it?
Is software available for compressing images?
There are a number of software solutions available for you to edit
and compress pictures. We recommend IrfanView for windows, because it is
free and has high compression and scaling capabilities. Macintosh users might
prefer to use GraphicConverter. This shareware (US$ 28) opens a new window for
30 seconds after the end of a trial period. Nevertheless you can still use the
program for free.
What is the menu item "Images & Files" for?
You can access the picture archive of your weblog by clicking "Weblog"
> "Images & Files". Here you will find a record of all the pictures that
have been uploaded onto your weblog. To look at pictures, simply click on the
name of one of the images. In addition you will find information about the file
size next to each picture. You can also rename, edit and/or delete the picture.
At the bottom of the screen, you will find information about the total disk space
your pictures are using, and how much is still available. At the top of the
screen is the feature "Add new file".
Note: If you delete a picture, which is being used in one of your entries, you can still find a reference to the particular picture there. You have to edit the entry in order to delete the reference.
Note: If you delete a picture, which is being used in one of your entries, you can still find a reference to the particular picture there. You have to edit the entry in order to delete the reference.
How to manage my pictures
Your images can be managed under the menu item "Weblog" > "Images & Files"
in the adminstration site of your weblog.
See also:
» What options does the menu item "Images & Files" offer?
See also:
» What options does the menu item "Images & Files" offer?
How can I find out the size of a picture?
Windows: right-click the file and select
"Properties". A new window will open and show you the size of the file.
Macintosh: click on the file once and press Apple+i. A new window will open and show you the size of the file.
Macintosh: click on the file once and press Apple+i. A new window will open and show you the size of the file.
My picture is too big and ruins my layout. What should I do?
If you have transferred a picture directly from your digital camera onto your
weblog, the resulting image will probably be very large. This means that it
will take longer for your readers to load and view your blog. Furthermore, your
blog layout will be adversely affected by the large picture. If you don't mind
long loading times, you can just change the appearance size of your picture.
For more details click here.
However, you could also compress the size of the picture file. This enables quicker access to your weblog and you can provide more images for your visitors to view. In order to compress a file, you have to install a separate programm onto your computer. For more details click here.
See also:
» How to replace pictures and/or change the size
» How to compress pictures
However, you could also compress the size of the picture file. This enables quicker access to your weblog and you can provide more images for your visitors to view. In order to compress a file, you have to install a separate programm onto your computer. For more details click here.
See also:
» How to replace pictures and/or change the size
» How to compress pictures
What are Photoblogs?
If you want to publish a lot of pictures, we recommend you create your own photoblog.
A photoblog is just as easy to maintain as a weblog, and it offers all the same
functionalities and features. Only the name of the menu item on your administration
site differs slightly: instead of "New entry" you'll be choosing "New
photo" and instead of "Edit entry" you will have the option to
"Edit photo".
The photoblog offers a layout that is entirely dedicated to publishing your images. Pictures can be displayed in their full size, as thumbnails, or in the form of a slide show.
The photoblog offers a layout that is entirely dedicated to publishing your images. Pictures can be displayed in their full size, as thumbnails, or in the form of a slide show.
How to publish photos on a Photoblog
You can simultaneously upload up to 9 photos under "Weblog" > "New
Photo". Select the number of images you want to upload and complete the
text fields below. Click "browse" and select a picture from your pc.
Now you can give your picture a title and add a short description. You can also use
the features "current mood" and "currently playing" on your
photoblog. In order to publish the photo, you just need to click "save
The system will automatically give out a warning and offer help if the size of your picture is too large.
The system will automatically give out a warning and offer help if the size of your picture is too large.